Sunday, November 30, 2008

DP Theme Day - Circles/Spheres

The roundabout is just behind the bus station and it's parking house. As you can see I have captured a lot of circles and globes in this photo as it the theme of this month.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Statue # 16

This statue is behind the Kampen school. It was a grandmother delivering her grandchild to school. Both seemed happy and excited. Maybe it was the first day of school.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Extending the Basement

This I find very interesting, they have taken away the big rocks surrounding the house and are now in the process of removing the rocks under the house. As you can see they have put pillars under one part of the house, and are in the process of chipping away this big rock.

They will have a grand basement when it is all finished.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bucentaur Drilling Ship

The MV 'Bucentaur' is one of the worlds most experienced purpose built, class II dp geotechnical and scientific drilling vessels. Originally built in 1983 the 'Bucentaur' has recently undergone a series of extensive upgrades focussed on improving the safety and efficiency of operations as well as improving the technical capabilities of the ship. The 'Bucentaur' provides a large, stable platform capable of operating independently in remote regions around the world, deploying the full suite of Fugro specialist in-situ sampling and testing tools. The unique design of the 'Bucentaur' enables integrated investigation methods to be deployed during one survey program.

House Series # 58

A house in a hilly street in Kampen, as you can see they have extended everywhere so there is hardly any land left. But land means garden, means plants, means work. And as you know not everybody are into gardening. But the house looks good and is big with plenty rooms.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Statue # 15 - Happy Boy Statue

I found this statue outside Kampen school. He seemed so happy to go to school. And I feel blessed that I soon can send my own daughters to school. Many places in this world, there are children due to war and poverty, can not go to school. So sad.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nice Neighborhood

This lovely playground is next to Kampen hill also. And the houses that you see are really well located. Think about it; a hill, a playground, and a quiet street, what better location for a house?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

House Series # 57

Just below the Kampen hill, this house is located. I must say, the owner is really good to cut hedges.

Doorway # 8

I'm a bit slow today, because I was making birthday party to Bella. A friend helped make a lot of Indonesian food and I'm sitting here quite stuffed.

Anyway, this is a very nice doorway in the Kampen area. Walking the quiet street, there are always something to portray.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Apartment Series # 30

In this area there are many apartment blocks like this one. It is next to the NMS. The apartment are not so expensive and it is a popular place to live.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A View from Kampen Hill # 2

From here we looked into one of the fjords outside Stavanger. As you can see there is one island after the other and the mainland with mountains in the background.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A View from Kampen Hill # 1

We finally reached the top of the small hill, from here we were looking towards Kampen school that is the yellow building in the middle of the picture. This hill is very nice for the local children to play and run around.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Street Series # 24 - Karmøyveien

We were still walking towards the hill in Kampen area. As you can see Stavanger is full of lovely and quiet streets.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Street Series # 23 - Lars Dahles Vei

A quiet street in Kampen area. We were walking towards a hill in Kampen, and I will show you one more street leading up to it and a photo from this high point.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Street Series # 22 - Olaf Paulus Vei

This street is next to Kampen skole. The houses are well maintained and for those that like a quiet stroll this is another good place to go.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

House Series # 56

This is a sweet home in Kampen, in a quiet street not far from Kampen school. The gate and the house are made of concrete which is not so usual in Stavanger.

Kampen Skole

Kampen school is a children school built in 1925, the architect was Erling Willi Nielsen. In 2002 the school was renovated.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kampen Church

Kampen church was built in 1957 and was renovated in 1969. The architect is T. Bryne. It is located in Seehusensgt 47 in Kampen. The church has 4800 members and has many activities for members and visitors alike.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Library in MHS

The library in MHS has books about most religions in the world. There are books about other religion from a Christian perspective and from the religion's own perspective.

As for muslim, they have many books of the various sects in Islam. Anybody can get a library card here and study religion in their spare time. My husband used to go here a lot and read from all aspects of Islam, and Islamic culture.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Main Building of the Theology University

This is the main building and it hosts one year study in KRL, bachelor grade in theology, religion and inter cultural communication. It has master study in theology and global studies. One can also take professorship - cand theol for priest and Ph.D. in theology.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Grand Building in the Theologic University #2

This is the oldest of the building in the Misjonshøgskolen. MHS was started in 1843 and has today 300 students from about 20 countries.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Grand Building in the Theologic University

This building is part of the university "Misjonshøgskolen" (School of Mission and Theology) in Stavanger. It is located in the Kampen area. In the following days I will show you two more photos of this campus.

This school is for those who are interested in the Christian faith, theology, mission, evangelist or to become a missionary or a bible translation. It also has a nice library of books from most of the world's religions.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Det Norske Misjonsselskap

The Norwegian Mission Society (NMS) was founded in 1842, as an independent society within the Church of Norway. NMS works today together with churches on 4 continents and approximately 100 missionaries are working on the field at all times. It is located in Kampen area.

House Series # 55

A nice wooden house in Mariero. I took it sometime ago. The weather today is nice but a bit cold. We will go out now to take some photos and go for a walk. Have a nice weekend to all of you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

T.I.N.Y. the Children Shop

If you have small children this is a shop for you. I like the bright colours and the sweetlooking dresses.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Floriss the Florist

A sweet florist in town. I like better cut flowers and decorations than plants in pots. I dont have a very romantic husband so little flowers come my way, ha ha.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Rainbow over Breivik

This wonderful rainbow I shot from my balcony. It always make me happy to see the rainbow. My husband told me that the Vikings thought the rainbow were a bridge to their heaven.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hair & There

Hairdresser in town center, nice name I think. Nowadays there are so many hairdressers, and most are busy. So probably many go often since we are not that many people here.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lovely Entrance

Here are a majestic entrance in town center. This is how an entrance should look like to my liking. Beautiful made in wood and glass, I hope even modern shops take lessons from this.