Monday, February 1, 2010

Love is based on Imagination

2/14/10 is rapidly approaching and for some of you blokes the pressure is on, init (isn't it). Well here are  a couple of cool ideas for the one you  L word!!!

  • Plan a romantic dinner.
  • Find a favorite photo of hers (the one that she likes) go to Zazzle  and make a batch of custom postage stamps with the photo.
  • Run down to your local stationary store and pick up some nice paper, a nice writing pen and sealing wax. The sealing wax is an extra touch.
  • Write her an honest heart felt letter and ask her out on a date on 2/14/09.  Mail the letter to her...This is key!!! She MUST receive the letter on the Saturday, February 13th . If you give it to her on the 14th you've wasted a stamp and the "date" anticipation momentum will not be as great.
  • Order a case(6-12 bottles) of wine from Personal Wine  .
  • Customize a your own label 
  • Order (6-12)  birch cylinder's to repack the bottles 
  • Pick a wrapping paper that matches or compliments your label
  • Wrap the bottles in the wrapping paper and insert the into the birch cylinders
  • Give her one of the personalized bottles with a box of chocolate or something sweet 
 I hope i was able to help out. Just remember... No matter what!!!!! Do not fall for "Honey,you don't have to get me anything!!!! " IT"S A TRAP!!!!

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