Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Tastefully Decorate A Large Living Room

If your living room looks stark, empty and plain, there are many ways you can bring it down to size and transform it to a rooom that is comfortable, cosy and inviting.

Most people would kill for a large and spacious living rooms especially after seeing a well decorated one. However when it comes to decorating one, you may find your self at your wits end with so much space, so much or little to fill it and so few ideas on how to get it done. Don’t despair because a large living room can easily, effortlessy and tastefully be decorated just like any other sized room. You however have to keep some aspects in mind.So, try out the tips below and you will find it not so complicated a task to accomplish after all.

Go large
When setting out to decorate a large space, keep thinking large.Pick out large and wide wall hangings, large photo frames, large plants and pots, large lampshades, lamp holders. It's important to remember that for a big room,large accents pull the look together; say a large wall hanging or painting that covers three qautres of the wall or goes all the way to the bottom. If you can’t afford a large painting or hanging,then try using several pieces of smaller artwork to make a pattern or collage for the wall. Be sure to space the artwork out so that it covers a majority of the wall. This will take away the confusion and clutter that comes with trying to fill up a wall with smaller spaced out hangings and decortaions.


When used skillfully in a room, colour can do anythng that you want it to; from making a room appear smaller, bigger,warm, cool, wider, narrow, low or high. So when choosing colours for your large living room, you will want to keep in mind the above aspects. Generally for large rooms, keep away from bright colours and stick to deep warm tones that will make the room more centred and down to size. Move a way from traditional wall colours like cream, white, off white and add a dash of colur to warm up and give character to the room.Go for colours like burnt orange,deep red, blue, pale green, coffee brown, maroon, gold that are well suited for a large room and will make it cozy and welcoming.

Lighting plays an important role when it comes to décor and has to be well planned for and used. For a large room, you will want to dim the lights a little bit if not completlety in some corners so as to take away and give attention to some areas.Flourescent light is a definite no-no for large rooms as it will only help in making the room appear bigger, stark and uninviting. Lamp shades and corner lamp stands when used and placed strategically will go along way in creating a comfy and welcoming living room. The shadows cast by dim light here and there give character to the room and draw attention away from its size.

Choice and Position of Furniture

When choosing furniture for a large living room, keep it on the large and sturdy end; one big long L-shaped sofa will look better in the room as opposed to three or four smaller sleek streamlined ones. The same goes for T.V stands, lampshades, side tables and coffee tables. The sleek and slender look is better suited for small rooms where you want have a more aired out and spacious look.
More so, how you place your furniture in a large living room will very much affect the whole look. Avoid placing furniture against the wall as is commonly done. Placing furniture against the wall robs the room of that intimate feeling and character. Instead, go for a different look and pull sofas, chairs and tables away from the walls to create intimate spaces that will break up the room and make it easier for conversation and interaction.
Area rugs are another great way of not only creating intimate, cosy spaces but also breaking up floor space.
When put into play, these tips will make it easier for you to tastefully decorate your large space into a cosy, comfortable and inviting living room! P*mela*

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