Monday, January 25, 2010

I need a bald girl...get at me bald girl!!!

Amber Rose Amber Rose Amber Rose, A rose by any other name would just be bootleg!!
I've had a deep conversation about Ms. Rose  and how a woman like Amber is bad news for your heart. Amber is the type of woman that will have you high on love in a villa  in the South of France and then one beautiful sun drenched morning, you'll wake up with a blush colored post-it on the pillow next to you that reads "Duce's!!" Now you are heart broken and  strung out on Crack, Meth and heroin in desperate need of love rehab! ..hhhmmm , Well...that's the chance I'm willing to take!!  Wouldn'nt we make a hot couple? I can see us now.... both of us in Frank's Chop Shop  getting a light caesar cut with a stright razor line up.. I need a bald girl..get at me bald girl...

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