Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wax on, Wax off...It's code!!


NSFW (in North America)

John Travolta as a foul mouth, take-no-crap, loose cannon with the tendency to lashed out violently at the drop of the hat? Yeah baby! Now that's what I'm talking about. The french trailer for Pierre Morel's action film From Paris with Love has arrived on Allocine and its hilarious. Not since Face/Off that I had so much fun watching Travolta go crazy. Its hard to imagine this is the same director who will be taking on the reins of the new Dune film. There is nothing I seen Morsel done before that really screamed Dune in my opinion but who knows, he might pull it off.

It arrives in North America on February 5th

Source: Twitch Film

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