Sunday, October 24, 2010

RUNWAY- full video


Mr. West is the Building!!!!!

I know this has been out for a couple days so I'm late on the post, but that's not why I'm posting this video.
I'm posting this video to spark conversation. This video concept is great and the symbolism in this video are genius. I think I have watched this video/short film at least 5 times and each time i've found somthing more interesting than the last time i watched the film;  for instance:

Guest: Your girlfriend is beautiful
Guest: Do you know she's a bird?
Ye: Naw, I never noticed that
Guest: I mean like... leave the monkey in a zoo.
Wow, is this the 1st triple entendre?

The music production  is off meter and the set styling is equally of the charts!!!  The bar has been raised freshmen!
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