Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gladmat 2008

Every year there is a food festival in Stavanger, we call it Gladmat here. It is the largest food festival in Scandinavia and it has started yesterday and will last until 26. This year there are 78 stands which participate in this gladmat. Gladmat started in around 1999 and has grown in size and confidence, with exhibitors and sellers and outdoor cafes and restaurants filling up both sides of Vågen - the main harbour in central Stavanger.

The goal is to promote the public's interest for food, by organizing a public festival that focuses on food and culture every summer. It will show the breadth of Rogaland Food County from sea and land, as well as food from various immigrant groups homeland.

The photo today shows some of the stands. For the next few days I will show you more photos of this festival, as well as tasting some of the delicaties - yummy yummy.

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